Sunday, March 16, 2008

Can you leave without leaving me?

You don't need to cry,
you're not alone


I wrote a story, made a wish.
It wasn’t enough. Apparently it wasn’t enough.
It seems like no effort that is made is enough to put us together. I guess destiny is stronger than any of us. Anyway, people didn’t want us to be at all. Maybe it was better this way. Maybe. And it’s this uncertain question that echoes on my mind that makes me weaker that I ever was! I wish I had an elevator to take me to where you are, away from these monsters that just want to ruin me, my happiness.

So don’t take me up please, because I don’t want to fall down. I don’t want to be someone I’m not.

But do you know what he did baby? He made me feel anger; he created feelings I had never felt before! I just can tell you that I hate him baby. And also that I love you.

You’re all I want, you’re all I need, you’re everything…

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Walking, just walking

I’m walking through that road we walked together. Remember?
I can’t remember, this memory seems so far away.
I’m trying to make it come back to my mind.
Don’t worry, you’re safe in my mind, cause I won’t tell anyone your name.
The road is still the same.
Am I?
Are you? Tell me baby!

This road is trying to sing a song, our story. I’m trying to write it down. Does it matter?
Nothing really matters.
Nothing’s going to change anyway, only destiny can change things, and it seems my fate is to erase you from my mind, leaving this mind too old even to try to be young.
Don’t give any hope, because I end up falling on this road. Our road. Remember…? Still, after all this time I cannot remember, not even who I am. I forgot my name, because yours is the only one that echoes in my mind. Do you care? Of course you don’t. I’m not good enough for you to care, and not strong enough to make you care.

I could take your hand, hug you. Is that enough?
Amo-te sim.

Não te amo hoje pensando no amanhã,

mas sei que te irei amar amanhã por o que és hoje.
Hoje olhei para o título do blog. E fez sentido, mais do que nunca. Sim, “Este mistério chamado amor”!

O amor é um mistério que nos move a procurar o sentido para a vida, é esse turbilhão de sentimentos que nos dá vida.
O que seria de mim se chegasse ao meu e-mail e não tivesse notícias da minha amiga, para me contar o que se passa com ela; se chegasse à escola de manhã e não tivesse sorrisos à minha espera.
Sim, é isto que me faz viver, crescer como pessoa.
Nestas alturas penso que não vale a pena alimentar grandes ódios, porque tenho um abraço teu.
E é esta maravilha do amor que nos dá alento para viver com um sorriso nos lábios. Amo-vos.
A presença da sua ausência envolvia-a demasiadamente.
E dói.
E chora.

As lágrimas não remedeiam a ausência, são apenas um indicador dessa ferida que dói e não vê.
Apenas sente.